28 Jan, 2025


last update:



The International Association of the Railway Radio Amateurs
 (Fédération Internationale des Radio Amateurs Cheminots - F.I.R.A.C.)

issues this award to all radio amateurs and SWL's

on HF
at least 100 points for contacts with FIRAC-members of at least 7 different DXCC countries.
on VHF
at least 25 points for contacts with FIRAC-members of at least 3 different DXCC countries.

Each contact counts two points. Contacts with Club or special stations count five points. DX connections count ten points. Every station counts per band only once. Contacts by repeater or internet – for example Echolink – are not valued.

All connections with FIRAC members from January 1, 2011 count.

The FIRAC AWARD LIST is decisive. This list can be downloaded on the FIRAC homepage

The diploma can be applied for free of charge with a log extract in ADIF format from the AWARD manager: and will be delivered as a PDF document.

DL8ARJ Hans Piehler
August-Bebel-Str. 5
D-07639 Bad Klosterlausnitz